Include an image in your email signature

Below you will find instructions on how to add the signature for some of the most popular email clients.

MS Outlook:

  1. Click File > Options > Mail > Signatures.
  2. Click the signature you want to edit, and then make your changes in the Edit signature box.
  3. When you’re done, select Save > OK.


  1. Open Gmail.
  2. At the top right, click Settings. See all settings.
  3. Under “General,” scroll to “Signature” and click the signature you want to edit.
  4. Use the text box to make your changes. To change the signature name, click Edit.
  5. At the bottom, click Save Changes.


  1. In Mozilla Thunderbird, click your email account name and go to “View settings for this account”
  2. In the account settings window go to the Signature text section
  3. Enable the “Use HTML” checkbox and edit your signature
  4. Click “OK”

If you use another email client, please use its help function to find how to change your email signature. Please note that in some companies signatures are handled centrally by the mail server. Please ask your IT department how to add the signature to your outgoing emails.